
For election of five (5) Deputy Ombudspersons

Application Document

The Ombudsperson Institution is responsible for monitoring, advancing, protecting the rights and freedoms of individuals from unlawful or improper acts or failures to act of public authorities.

The Ombudsperson independently exercises his/her duty and does not accept any instructions or intrusions from the organs, institutions or other authorities exercising state authority in the Republic of Kosovo.

The Assembly of Republic of Kosovo, pursuant to the Law on the Ombudsperson and Rules of Procedure of the Assembly on the election of Ombudsperson and Deputy Ombudspersons, issues the announcement for the position of Deputy Ombudsperson.

The Assembly will give special consideration to fulfilling needs of ethnic and gender diversity.

At least one (1) of the Deputy Ombudspersons should be member of Serbian community of Kosovo and at least one (1) should be a member of other non-majority communities in Kosovo.

Requirements for election of Deputy Ombudsperson

Deputy Ombudsperson shall be elected persons who meet the following criteria:

•    To be citizen of Republic of Kosovo;
•    to have completed superior education;
•    to have character, honesty and high moral;
•    to have experience and distinguished knowledge in the area of human rights;
•    not to have been convicted by final decision for criminal offence which is punishable by the legislation of Republic of Kosovo;
•    not to exercise any function in political parties, not to be a deputy in the legislation of Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo which elects him/her or not to be a member of Government cabinet.

The following documents must be attached to the application form:

a) Evidence of educational and professional qualifications;
b) Letter of motivation;
c) Curriculum Vitae (C.V.- autobiography);
d) Evidence of being citizen of Republic of Kosovo;


 Applications must be delivered not later than  13 July 2011 till 16,00h.

Applications shall be delivered personally or by post at the address below:

Republic of Kosovo Assembly Building in Pristine (Mother Theresa Street, no number, Personnel Office, Office N-217)

By  e-mail:
By  fax: +381 (0) 38 211-183

Application forms are available at the following locations:

Printed form: at respective section of the Administration of the Assembly of Republic of Kosovo; Ombudsperson Institution (Headquarters and field offices); or

Online form: Republic of Kosovo Assembly webpage e-
                       Ombudsperson Institution -

Other additional information are available every working day until 16:00, on these phone numbers:  + 381 (0) 38 211-648 and +377 (0) 44 147-264.