List of the Deputies of the Kosovo Assembly

Fourth Legislation Period (12.12.2010 - 07.05.2014)

Nijazi Idrizi

Functions in the Assembly of Kosovo

      Parliamentary Group

    • AAK


    • Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK)

    Personal Data

    • Date of birth 09/06/1959 in Zhegër
    • Married


    • Faculty of Agriculture – Prishtina
    • Magister of management – Economic Faculty

    Past and Present Activities and Functions

    • Director at the company “Agrokomplex” Municipal Advisor in Gjilan Director of marketing at the newspaper “Infopress” First advisor in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development

    Other languages than mother tongue

    • English, German, Serbian and Croatian


    • Prishtinë


    • 044 244 184