List of the Deputies of the Kosovo Assembly

First Legislation Period (17.11.2001 - 23.11.2004)

Bajram Kosumi

Functions in the Assembly of Kosovo


  • Alliance for Future of Kosova (AAK)

Personal Data

  • Date of birth 20/03/1960 in Tuxhec, Kamenicë/Kamenica
  • Married, three children


  • Graduated in the Faculty of Philology in the University of Prishtina/Priština

Past and Present Activities and Functions

  • 1991–1993: Journalist
  • 1994–1996 and 2000–2002: President of Parliamentary Party
  • AAK, Vice President
  • Published books:
  • “A Concept on Sub-Policy” (1995)
  • “Vocabulary of Barbarians” (2000)
  • “A Concept on the New Political Thought” (2001)


  • Prishtinë/Priština