List of the Deputies of the Kosovo Assembly

First Legislation Period (17.11.2001 - 23.11.2004)

Edita Tahiri

Functions in the Assembly of Kosovo


    • Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK)

    Personal Data

    • Date of birth 29/07/1956 in Prizren/Prizren
    • Single


    • MA in Public Administration, Harvard University
    • Graduated Engineer of Electronic Technology and Communications, University of Prishtina
    • Expert in Digital Transmission, Essex University, Great Britain
    • Graduated from the College for International Studies and Security George C. Marshal, Germany

    Past and Present Activities and Functions

    • 1991–1998: LDK Presidency, Member
    • 1992–2000: Assembly of Kosovo, Member
    • 1999: Member of Kosovo delegation in Rambouilliet

    Other languages than mother tongue

    • English
    • Serbian
    • Croatian
    • Turkish


    • Prishtinë/Priština, Ulpiana U1 H2 N9